"I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me and I love him..."
Oops. Sorry about that. I slipped into some old habits for a moment there. It's still true though, even if it did take me a few decades and a whole lotta heartache to figure out that God is crazy about me but I digress.
Let's try this again:
My name is Melynda. I cook. I bake. I sew. I knit. I quilt. I organize. I collect vintage cookbooks and white ceramic water pitchers. I study politics and current events. I read. A lot. I have pointy-headed conversations with others about topics such as learning theories, adult development, literature reviews, and problem-based learning. I stay up too late, eat too much chocolate and watch far too much Law and Order. Sometimes, just for fun, I like to lock myself in the bathroom and pretend I once went to school for a really long time and earned a bunch of degrees so I could then stay home and change diapers and fold laundry.
Oh wait. That's exactly what I did. It certainly wasn't what I set out to do but that is what happened.
I am the ever lovin' wife of Mr. Amazing Man, the devoted mother of three glorious children I am blessed to parent: Captain Knuckle, The Good Professor, and our newest addition, Princess P. I also have another child born in 1992 but I don't write much about that story here. I write about it in other places and if you are really nice to me and really that interested in my life, I will point you to that blog as well.
This little old blog of mine has been around since 2003, which is positively ancient in the world of blogging. I started it as an assignment in my Distance Ed class during my master's program at Utah State University, but it has morphed into a vehicle to keep my family (sort of) updated on the comings and goings in my life.
I have not cultivated it as I should, but over the next few years I have a feeling it will become my only contact with the outside world so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease, leave a comment or twelve to remind me adults really do exist and there is a world outside of the Happy House.
Much love and belief -