Sunday, May 28, 2006
Sad to be leaving
Extremely timely advice
Since making the correct decisions is essential to attain your goals in life, consider how they should be made. There are two patterns for making decisions: the first I will call decisions based upon circumstance; the second, decisions based upon eternal truth. Let us examine each pattern.
The guiding principle in the pattern of decisions based upon circumstance is to make choices according to the outcome desired rather than upon what is right or wrong. There is no use of an underlying set of standards to consistently guide those decisions. Each choice is made upon what appears to give the most desired result now. One who follows this path is left to his own strength and capacity and the support of others who can be influenced to act in his favor. Satan encourages choices to be made in this manner. It gives him the greatest opportunity to tempt an individual to make decisions that will be harmful even though they appear most appealing when made.
In time, one who makes decisions based upon circumstance is virtually assured to commit serious transgressions. There is no iron rod of truth to keep that person in the right way. He will continually be faced with many subtle temptations to make deviations from the commandments. Those choices are justified by arguing that they are not that bad, that they are more socially acceptable and provide a broader base of friends. A clever individual without foundation principles can at times acquire, temporarily, impressive accomplishments. Yet that attainment is like a sand castle. When the test of character comes, it crumbles, often taking others with it.
The second pattern, making decisions based upon eternal truth, is the pattern of the Lord. It will always lead you to make decisions guided by His plan of happiness. Such decisions are centered in doing what is right, not in first deciding the result desired. Choosing to do what the Lord has defined as right will, in the long run, always lead to the best outcomes. However, that pattern may require you to set aside something you very much desire now for a greater future good.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes...and elbows.
Remind me of this moment when he is really a teenager, okay?
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Captian Knuckle and SmallyPants
Monday, May 01, 2006
Open Letters and other such treatises
Like Melynie. Still haven't figured out that one. I suspect it has something to do with the fact she found out her DUI/ambulance bills had showed up on my driving record/credit report and so I knew about it. Or maybe because I pulled her from the back seat of a friend's car when she was so full of drugs and alcohol that she nearly died in my parents room before the paramedics got there. Maybe she wanted to die and has been pissed at me for the past 14 years over it.