
Friday, January 27, 2012

Pinspired: A Valentine's Day Wreath

I made this the other day. Wrapping all that yarn was both therapeutic and mind-numbing, all at the same time. Perhaps it was therapeutic because it was mind-numbing, now that I think about it.

At any rate, The Professor is thrilled with how it turned out and after all, I made it for him. His is the only opinion that really matters.

Here is the picture from Pinterest that inspired this latest spate of craftiness:

Happy crafting, y'all! (I can officially say that now because I live in "Lower Alabama.")

Much love,


Sunday, January 01, 2012

My 2012 Resolutions

  1. I resolve to laugh more, worry less.
  2. I resolve to love more, resent less. 
  3. I resolve to listen more, talk less.
  4. I resolve to trust more, control less.
  5. I resolve to pray more, stress less.
  6. I resolve to save more, consume less.
  7. I resolve to teach more, dictate less.
  8. I resolve to move more, sit less.
  9. I resolve to read more, surf less.   
  10. I resolve to be thankful more, grumble less.
What are your 2012 New Year's Resolutions?